EP 13 – Designing for delight!

EP 13 – Designing for delight!

How can you spark delight and joy for your users and customers, and not only solve a problem? In our never-ending pursuit of efficiency and profitability it seems we’ve forgotten something extremely human.

In this episode of Innovation Explorers, we’re speaking with Lorie Loeb, Professor of Computer Science and founder of the DALI Lab at Darmouth College, and Talia Wheatley, Lincoln Filene Professor in Human Relations and the Director, Consortium for Interacting Minds in the Psychological and Brain Sciences at Dartmouth College. In this podcast we’re talking about Designing for Delight and Joy, those small, hugely valuable moments for ourselves and our brains, and the how we don’t really need to spend all of our time “fixing” or “solving” things. In our never-ending pursuit of efficiency and profitability it seems we’ve forgotten something extremely human.

And by the way, if you want to see something very cool, watch this YouTube video with Thalia Wheatley and David Byrne, formerly of Talking Heads, talking about brains, with some very fun exercises. The video starts at the 20-minute mark.